Relational dymanics between educator and child in foster care context
La dynamique relationnelle entre l'éducateur et l'enfant en contexte de placement familial.
OBJECTIVES.-To our knowledge, there isn’t a lot of research to understand relationship between educator and child in foster care context analyzed by the attachment theory and a psychodynamic approach. For that, we will think about dynamics of this relationship in this specifical institution with this approach complementary. We will ask ourselves to what extent educator has a specific attachment relationship with child placed in foster home. Reciprocally for professionnel we will ask how this alternative attachment relationship can favored an insecure attachment expression, and what is link with his caregiving compulsive system. To better thinking about complexity of this relational dynamic between two protagonists of this meeting, we will suppose existence of counter- transference phenomena for professional. For child, we will suppose existence of transference phenomena.PATIENTS OR MATERIELS AND METHODS: For this study we have eight subjects divided into two main conditions (educators and children placed in foster care). The tools used to measure professional's attachment are Edicode wich is an interview inspired by Adult Attacment Interview and the relationship questionnary (or RQ). We will evaluate counter-transference by a clinical interview experimental research semi-structured of thirty items. To measure children’s attchment we used these instruments : the C.C.H., the RQ and the Ca-mir. Transference will be experimentally evaluated through a clinical interview semi-structured search and by drawing test.RESULTS: For children, results show an attachment insecurity and transference phenomena expression. In addition, results demonstrate existence of an attachment relationship between children placed with their educators, these last thus constituting for them a figure of alternative attachment. For professionals, we find different results depending on the instruments used. In more Edicode shows attachment insecurity and counter-transference phenomena.CONCLUSIONS.- In our view, lack of attachment disorganization among children could be explained on the one hand, because of the small size of our sample and secondly because lack of sensitivity on our instruments on this type of attachment. For that, we believe necessary to strengthen methodology by other measuring instruments such as the use of Edicode for children from 10-12 years. Moreover, we think that kind of attachment is important to understand secure base among children placed. About educator we feel it would be an alternative attachment figure and we question about his secure base, namely to what extent this security base would be dependent on construction of that child. Finally we believe that study concern of educator’s attachment must be articulated with a psychodynamic approach by introducing two concepts that we consider key in his understanding: the process of parentification and the notion of repair (in Klein’s view).
Cet article a pour objectif principal d’apporter des éléments de compréhension à la relation entre l’éducateur spécialisé et l’enfant dont il est référent dans un contexte de placement familial sous le regard de la théorie de l’attachement croisée avec une approche psychodynamique. Pour cela, nous nous demanderons dans quelle mesure l’éducateur spécialisé exerçant dans le service de placement familial à l’Aide Sociale à l’Enfance entretiendrait une relation d'attachement spécifique avec l'enfant. Cette relation d’attachement spécifique favoriserait chez l’enfant l'expression d'élément de sécurité d’attachement (par sa base de sécurité) de son système supposé désorganisé. Réciproquement nous nous demanderons en quoi cette relation d'attachement alternative serait susceptible de favoriser chez le professionnel l'expression d'élément d'insécurité d'attachement, du fait de son exposition répétée à des situations où l’attachement est majoritairement de type insécure. De plus, nous nous demanderons en quoi l’expression de cette insécurité d’attachement serait susceptible de rentrer directement en compétition avec son caregiving que nous supposerons ici compulsif. Afin de préciser et d’enrichir la compréhension de cette dynamique relationnelle complexe entre les deux protagonistes de cette rencontre, nous ferons l’hypothèse de l’existence d’un phénomène de type transférentiel de l’enfant envers son éducateur référent. Du côté du professionnel, l’hypothèse de l’existence de manifestation de type contre-transférentiel sera recherchée.
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