Spinal and supraspinal mechanisms affecting torque development at different joint angles
We examined the neural mechanisms responsible for plantar flexion torque changes at different joint positions.
Nine subjects performed maximal voluntary contractions (MVC) at 6 ankle-knee angle combinations [3 ankle angles (dorsiflexion, anatomic position, plantar flexion) and 2 knee angles (flexion, full extension)]. Neural mechanisms were determined by V-wave, H-reflex (at rest and during MVC), and electromyography during MVC (RMS), normalized to the muscle compound action potential (V/Msup , Hmax /Mmax , Hsup /Msup and RMS/Msup ) and voluntary activation (VA), while muscle function was assessed by doublet amplitude.
MVC and doublet amplitude were significantly lower at plantar flexion (P < 0.01), while VA was significantly lower at dorsiflexion and full knee extension (P < 0.05). V/Msup and RMS/Msup were significantly lower at knee extension (P < 0.01), while Hsup /Msup was not affected by joint angle.
These results indicate that joint positions leading to muscle lengthening produce reduced neural drive, due mainly to supraspinal mechanisms.