Erratum to: A Higher Frobenius–Schur Indicator Formula for Group-Theoretical Fusion Categories
Group-theoretical fusion categories are defined by data concerning finite groups and their cohomology: A finite group $G$ endowed with a three-cocycle $ω$, and a subgroup $H ⊂ G$ endowed with a two-cochain whose coboundary is the restriction of ω. The objects of the category are G-graded vector spaces with suitably twisted H-actions; the associativity of tensor products is controlled by $ω$. Simple objects are parametrized in terms of projective representations of finite groups, namely of the stabilizers in $H$ of right $H$-cosets in $G$, with respect to two-cocycles defined by the initial data. We derive and study general formulas that express the higher Frobenius-Schur indicators of simple objects in a group-theoretical fusion category in terms of the group-theoretical and cohomological data defining the category and describing its simples.